October 11, 2024
7 Tips to Never Miss Quota
Written by Chad Aleo

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December 10, 2023

Sales is a numbers game. 

You, as the high ticket closer, want to hit your number(s). Your sales manager wants you to hit your number. And the business owner and/or CEO wants the same. When you hit your number(s), everyone wins.

That’s why it’s so important to never miss quota.

And just so we’re all on the same page, I’m talking about the only quota that actually matters. Revenue!

I’ve heard there are companies out there that measure call quotas, activity quotas, volume quotas (number of units sold), and even forecast quotas (how much is in the pipeline). But in the high ticket sales industry, the one that trumps them all is revenue.

In this article, I want to give you seven helpful tips so you’ll never miss quota again. If you follow these tips, I can almost guarantee you’ll hit quota every month. But I don’t want you to just hit it, I want you to crush it.

  • Tip 1: Know Your Why
  • Tip 2: Break Down Your Quota
  • Tip 3: Have a Daily Routine
  • Tip 4: Have a Reset Routine
  • Tip 5: Follow-up is King
  • Tip 6: Always Be Closing
  • Tip 7: Ask for Referrals

Ready to dive in?

Tip 1: Know Your Why

“Happiness comes from what we do. Fulfillment comes from why we do it.” – Simon Sinek

Before you take a sales call before you even think about asking for a credit card you need to get clear on one thing… 


Why do you want to be in this career?

Why does high ticket sales matter to you? 

Why is success important to you?

It’s a simple question of, “Why do you want what you want?” You see this is the fuel to the fire. Often, people mistakenly search for meaning long after they decide to go in a certain direction.  Then they are left with a feeling of emptiness.

“I finally made six figures!” … “But I can’t help feeling as if something is missing.”

Let’s be honest, missing quota sucks. But it’s just as bad to hit quota / hit your goals without knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing. So to avoid that pain, I’ll ask you, “Why do you want what you really really want?” 

If we can’t determine the answer to this simple question, I promise many of you will burn out in the next 1-6 months. I can’t let you take this lightly because this is the difference between the ones that make it and the ones that don’t.

Sales can be the most rewarding career, but it can also be the most detrimental if approached the wrong way. 

When I asked some fellow high ticket salespeople, “What is your why?” I tend to get a mix of answers. 

Most tend to be leaning towards the aspect of “I want to make more money.” 

Now, don’t get me wrong here, money is great. In fact, you should be in a career to make money, but what I am saying is that if money is the only focus, eventually it will fade.

Let’s go a layer deeper.

“Why do you want more money?”

There tends to be a moment of silence. I’ll wait for an answer. 

“Well, I want more money so I can finally pay off my debt.”

“Okay,” I say. “I understand why you want money to pay off your bills, but I have another question… why do you want to pay off your bills?”

I know this sounds like the 3-year-old that asks “why” to their parents nonstop, but stay with me here…

“Well, I want to pay off my bills because I’m constantly stressed about money and all I wish for myself is to live a life where I can afford to travel the world.”

My response: “Why do you want to travel the world?”

“We only live one life, and when I was a kid, my grandfather always talked about our family in Europe and how much he wanted to visit the homeland and see them again. He passed away without that chance. I can’t let that happen in my own life. I can’t be held back by my circumstances. I have to make a change.”


You see that. That’s a why. That right there is something worth writing down on a sticky note and putting it next to your computer, so when things get hard, you read that and “Boom!” your motivation comes back.

But your why can even go deeper. Like a tree with deep roots, we know it grows much stronger and lives a much longer life, the deeper the roots go. The root of your why is the foundation. The root of why is what keeps you standing in the storms that are ahead, but if those roots aren’t deep, you won’t make it.

So here is a simple exercise to help you determine your why.

1. Get to a quiet place. A place where you feel calm, but importantly present.
2. Take a deep breath and focus on your breathing in… and out.
3. Once you feel a state of calmness, Pull out a sheet of paper and ask yourself “what do you want?”
4. Answer the question… You don’t need a novel, just one sentence.

5. Whatever the answer is, go deeper and ask yourself, “Why do you want that?”

6. Repeat step 5
7. Repeat step 6 

8. Repeat step 7 (You get the picture. Keep going until you hit the root.)
9. Once you hit the root you’ll know. You either smile or get the chills. This is the real answer to fuel your fire.

Tip 2: Break Down Your Quota

Bossman tells you that quota is $50K per month or $600K for the year. 

You say, “Sounds good, Boss! But what if I want to be the best closer in the company?”

Boss replies, “I love your ambition, kid. You’d have to hit $1Mil in sales to be the top rep.”

You nod, “Yes sir. I’ll see what I can do!”

Boss smiles. “You have two months to get up to quota, then it’s game time.”

You start your chicken scratches on a sheet of paper.

$1,000,000 for the year. That’s your goal.

$1,000,000 / 12 months = $83,000 per month.

If I was new to the company, I might set a goal of $40k in month 1, then $60k in month 2, and $80k in month 3. Then scale it up to make up the difference of those first two months. Make sense?

If I had been with the company awhile, I would set my first goal to hit $83K in month 1. Then hold that steady per month, and evaluate it each quarter to ensure I’m on pace.

When I am selling at a high level, my first goal is always based on my production. Never set goals without a production goal. Goal #1 is $83K for the month.

The second goal I like to set tends to come from the science of… What does it take to actually hit that number I set? So back to the same example if $83,000 is our monthly goal and let’s say the company you are working for is selling a high ticket offer at $5,000. That would mean I would need to make roughly 16 sales a month to hit that goal.

$83,000 / $5000 = 16.6 sales needed

So goal #2 might be 17 sales.

Lastly, I like to always set a close rate goal. Some reps don’t like this, but I have all my team members do this because it keeps you honest. I think a great starting goal for any and all individual sales reps (assuming they have proper training in High Ticket Sales), should strive to hit 27.5% closing rate.

For the Million Dollar Closer, the math shakes out like this:

  • $1M for the year
  • $83,000 per month
  • $5,000 high ticket offer
  • 17 sales per month
  • 20 calendar days for selling
  • 1 sale per calendar day (roughly)

As they say, “A sale a day keeps the boss away.”

Now, let’s break it down for just hitting quota:

  • $600K for the year
  • $50,000 for the month
  • $5,000 high ticket offer
  • 10 sales
  • 20 calendar days for selling
  • 1 sale every 2 calendar days

Easy as pie!

This is simple reverse engineering to break down your goal, never miss quota, and ultimately hit your higher target.

Tip 3: Have a Daily Routine

I’ll keep this simple. There are so many books, articles, podcasts, YouTube videos on this topic, you can go as far as you want with it.

In a nutshell, you want your morning routine to be a time when you can get your mind and heart right before heading into the day. Most people’s morning routines consist of affirmations, reading, some form of prayer or meditation, and something to get the blood flowing – running, walking, cycling, stretching, etc. A tall glass of water and some form of nutrition, and you should be off to a great start.

Every successful high ticket closer I know has a morning routine of some sort.

One book that has been super helpful for me in establishing my morning routine is Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning.” He even has one specifically for salespeople.

Tip 4: Have a Reset Routine

The easiest way to miss quota is to get in a rut. People say sales is a roller coaster. But I disagree. Sales is only a roller coaster if you let it be.

The best high ticket closers don’t ride a roller coaster. They perform at a consistent level, day in and day out. How do they do it?

They have a reset routine.

The best closers still get told, “No,” more than they get told yes.

In tip #2, I broke down what it takes to hit $1M per year in sales with a $5K product. The $1M closer needs one sale per calendar day to hit. But does he or she only have 1 sales conversation per day?

Absolutely not!

They are probably told, “No,” 3 out of 4 conversations. On a really good month, maybe 2 out of 3 conversations end in a “No.”

So, the most successful salespeople have a reset routine.

They get a “No,” and they find a way to reset in 2-3 minutes before the next call. Because they can’t take that negative energy or defeated attitude into the next call.

Maybe it’s repeating an affirmation. Maybe it’s splashing water on your face. Maybe it’s listening to your favorite jam. Then you’re back on the phone, in a good headspace, ready for the next sales conversation.

You want to have 3 good reset routines:

  • One for in-between calls, so you can bring your best to each sales conversation
  • One for end of day, so you can be a kindhearted, fully present friend, spouse, parent, etc., aka you don’t take your sales performance for the day into your relationships
  • One for end of week, so you can recharge as a human being. A friend of mine has a really good article on this (The Sabbath Series: Why We Need Sabbath).

Tip 5: Follow-up is King

Earlier when I said, 3 out of 4 conversations probably end in a “No,” that wasn’t entirely accurate. At least 1 of them probably said, “Not right now, but maybe later.”

So ask them, “When do you think may be the right time?”

They’ll give you some timeline, usually with a reason attached.

  • “That’s when I get my bonus at work.”
  • “That’s when I’ll have this other purchase fully paid off.”
  • “That’s when my significant other starts their new job.”

It’s your job to remember that. Jot it down. Take notes on their customer record. Remember their name, their reason, and their timeline.

Then follow-up!

You’d be amazed at how many salespeople don’t have a consistent follow-up sequence.

If you want to never miss quota again, you have to follow-up.

Tip 6: Always Be Closing

It’s as easy as “A,B,C.” It’s as easy as “1,2,3.”

It’s human nature to get distracted. With social media, with co-worker drama, with the sports game and news about your favorite team – the ways to get distracted are endless.

But let me tell you something as straight as I possibly can, “If you’re a high ticket closer, your job is simply this: to close!”

Don’t be on social media. Don’t get caught in the office drama. You can catch up on news and sports after the workday.

When you’re working, work. And work for you is not fiddling with a broken system, it’s not doing willy-nilly tasks, it’s not being on a bunch of extra meetings. Your job is to sell. Close. Close. Close.

Bossman doesn’t like excuses. Your sales manager doesn’t want to hear some pity party, sob story about why you didn’t hit your quota. They want results. 

Bring in the revenue. Always be closing. 

Tip 7: Ask for Referrals (at the right time)

When Linda buys from you, that might not be the best time to ask for a referral. For some products it is, but for others, you may need to wait a little while. 

You want to strike when the iron is the hottest.

So Linda bought from you awhile back, and Linda has some friends. Everyone has at least a couple. So when Linda is bragging about how great you are and how great your product is, the people she’s telling are the people you want to be on the phone with next. 

Warm referrals are some of the very best prospects to sell to.

The more warm referrals and top prospects you have on the phone, the better your chances are of hitting quota.

It’s like an instant 2x on your closing percentage when you can just ask Brenda, “Well, what did Linda tell you? Did she tell you how amazing it is?”

Next Step

When you follow these 7 tips, you’ll never miss quota. In fact, you won’t just hit quota, you’ll exceed it. You’ll knock the cover off the ball. Practice these 7 tips day-in, day-out, and you’re bound to be a top performer on your sales team.

If you want to learn more helpful tips and tricks of the most successful closers, check out our other articles on the blog.
And if you’re ready to take your sales performance to the top level, check out High Ticket Sales Academy for reps (click here).

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